Speech-to-text interpreting (STTI)

What does speech-to-text interpreting mean?

... in general:

Interpreting between spoken language and written language: any simultaneous (intra- or interlingual) textual presentation of orally presented utterances.

... in the proper sense: 

Communication aid for hearing-impaired persons:
Speech-to-text Interpreting (STTI) is simultaneous interpreting from spoken to written language and can be performed within the same language, e.g. from Spanish spoken language into Spanish written language (intralingual STTI), but also from one spoken language into another written language (interlingual STTI).
In addition to the elements of the spoken source text, the written target text usually also includes specific elements (meta-information) to facilitate full understanding of the source text by the addressee, such as speaker identification and other auditorily perceptible impressions.

Who are the users of speech-to-text interpreting?

Speech-to-text interpreting (in contrast to sign language interpreting) is primarily intended for hearing-impaired persons who have no or only limited command of sign language, but who can follow written language.

It is of central importance that STTI by its real-time character, its simultaneity, enables hearing-impaired persons to actively participate in duscussions (inclusion).

In international conferences, speecht-to-text interpreting enables all participants to understand everything and to participate actively: often people can read a language very well but have difficulties understanding it as a spoken language (overcoming language barriers).

It is also suitable for people who don't have a sufficient command of the local language to participate in professional and social life (integration).

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Impressions speech-to-text interpreting

Mobile Script Interpreting. You can see a speech-to-text interpreter outdoors, carrying her laptop on a kind of belly tray in front of her body and dictating into a silencer mask.
Mobile speech-to-text interpreting
Speech-to-text interpretation at school. You can see the lecturer in front of the blackboard and a student who has a screen in front of her on which she can read the text.
Speech-to-text interpreting in educational settings
Speech-to-text interpretation at a lecture. The speaker stands in front, behind the podium, and in front of the screen on which the written interpretation can be seen on the bottom. The interpreter sits in the front row. Behind her, you can see the rest of the audience.
Speech-to-text interpreting at a lecture/presentation
Speech-to-text interpretation of a local council meeting. The picture was taken from an interpreting booth. You can see two laptops on which the interpreters are working and a screen on which they can see a live image with the speech-to-text interpretation on the bottom of the screen.
Speech-to-text interpreting of a local council meeting